Digoxin antidote
Digoxin antidote

We manually searched the bibliographies of identified articles and personally contacted experts in the field. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Controlled Trials Register of the Cochrane Collaboration, Current Awareness in Clinical Toxicology, Info Trac, and Science Citation Index of studies identified by the previous searches.

digoxin antidote

To determine the efficacy of antidotes for the treatment of acute cardenolide poisoning, in particular atropine, isoprenaline (isoproterenol), multiple-dose activated charcoal (MDAC), fructose-1,6-diphosphate, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium, phenytoin and anti-digoxin Fab antitoxin. The benefit of these treatments is of interest, particularly in the context of cost since most poisonings occur in developing countries where resources are very limited. Because cardenolides from these plants are structurally similar, acute poisonings are managed using similar treatments.

digoxin antidote

While poisoning with the digitalis cardenolides (digoxin and digitoxin) are reported worldwide, cardiotoxicity from other cardenolides such as the yellow oleander are also a major problem, with tens of thousands of cases of poisoning each year in South Asia. Cardenolides are naturally occurring plant toxins which act primarily on the heart.

Digoxin antidote